Monday, June 30, 2008

Harris's Surgeries / Weekend Fun

As you know, Harris had surgery on Friday at Frye to correct his umbilical hernia and his circumcision. What a little trooper he was! Both of the surgeries ended up being more complicated than thought, but Harris did great.
Here is a before picture of his belly button. I'll show an after once all the swelling and bruising has gone away.
Hooked up to all the machines

Harris had TWO ID tags
What a lovely gown!

Check out those socks!
Poor thing fell asleep before his surgeries because he was so tired.
It took Harris longer to recover because once he found his thumb, he had no desire to wake up. By Sunday, he was crawling around and pulling up like there wasn't a thing wrong.
On Saturday, we headed out to the lake. Nick has been begging to go out in the BIG inner tube.
My boys on Sunday before church
Harris is getting ready to ride in the gator with his brother like a big boy.
Nick was so sweet, he told me he had to go slow because his little brother was riding with him. He did a great job driving Harrison around.

1 comment:

Dr. Alfaro said...

Glad that Harris is doing well!