Monday, August 04, 2008

Family Fun

Nick has to be just like his Daddy. Chris's shirt comes off... Nick's shirt comes off.

We made popcicles for the kids this week. It was Harris's first.

Harris would chase Nick around the porch until he shared.

We had an adventure this weekend. Chris's cousins were in from Denmark, so we packed up the family and headed to Raleigh. Fortunately, the hotel had a pool.

It did not however have a lot of space. The boys made their own fun though banging on the air conditioner and chasing each other around the room.

Harris found some interesting hiding places.
It was great seeing the family. My camera is messed up, so I'll post more pictures later. Harris got to ride facing forward since it was such a long trip. Here's his normal pose - thumb in mouth!

Everything is fine with the baby and me. No more complications. I guess a few days of taking it easy was all I needed.

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