Sunday, September 12, 2010

High Seas Adventure - FUMC VBS

Back in July, yes July, Carrie and I taught the 2/3 year olds during Vacation Bible School.  The theme this year was High Seas Adventure.  What an adventure it was!!!  We had 22 children in our class and not near enough adults.  Bless those who volunteered in our classroom as we learned about God's word and helped use with crafts and numerous bathroom breaks.  Here are a view pictures from our week.
Someone LOVED Bible School
Even though I didn't teach Nick, he keeps asking me why we have to wait a WHOLE ENTIRE year for Bible School to start again.
Blowing the boat across the "big" ocean.  As Christians, we must weather the storms in our life and trust God to show us the way to safety.
I was "injured" and my friends "healed" me with their love and compassion.
Team Work!
Our wonderful group of children (and helpers)
Carrie and I were WORN OUT!  The fatigue was well worth the joy we had teaching all the little ones. 

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