Monday, January 21, 2008

Harris is 4 Months Old

I don't usually update twice in a week, but Harris is 4 MONTHS OLD!!! We went to the doctor today. My "baby" weighs 18 pounds (90%) and is 27 1/2 inches long (100%). He isn't going to be my baby much longer. Harris has developed a flat spot on the back of his head (I'm sure it's from all the sleeping). We are going to have to be careful whenever he's on his back that he isn't lying on that spot. We also have to make an appointment with the urologist to get his circumcision corrected.

To celebrate his 4 month birthday, Harris rolled over! We've been working on it the past week and Saturday, he just rolled. I missed the first time too. One minute he was playing and when I looked again, he was on his tummy. Go Harris! Now he's a rolling fool. Everytime we put him on his back he rolls. Guess I'll be watching him a little more closely on the changing table.

4 months old

Harris Rolling Over (sorry about the video taping)

And then there's Nick... Harris threw up on his bouncer, so after we took the cover off, Nick had to explore it.

Later, he relaxed in Harrison's car seat to read a book.

Then I guess he was afraid someone would STEAL his books, so he put them down his pants. I really feel sorry for his future kindergarten teacher.

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