What a great week! It's been fantastic spending my first week out of work with my kids. Cara is getting to be so big. She loves spending time outdoors and watching her big brothers.
Cara's been battling some sickness for almost two weeks. She finally kicked it and celebrated by rolling over. The first time she did it at school. I came in to pick her up, and they told me she'd rolled over in her crib. I was upset I missed it, but she demonstrated it for us later that night. Now we can't stop her from rolling. She's even doing it in her bed at night. At least she doesn't mind sleeping on her stomach.
She loves to stand up, so we pulled out the boys' old Johnny Jumper for her to swing and jump around in. She's still getting the hang of it
And if rolling wasn't enough for her, she's been trying to sit up too. She has the back strength but not the balance to hold the position for very long. I guess my baby girl has decided she wants to be a big girl faster than mommy's ready for it.
POOL TIME!!! Cara enjoys floating around in the big pool and watching her crazy brothers jump and splash around.
Last week Cara was sitting on my lap a few times during meals. I think she would have tasted my coffee if she could have gotten the cup to her mouth she was trying so hard. Later that week, she tried to shove my pizza in her mouth. Our doctor wanted us to wait until she was 6 months old before starting her on solids. Apparently little miss has her own ideas (wonder where she gets that from?). We've been slowly starting her on some cereal. Of course whenever she eats it, Harris thinks he has to have some too. I've never seen a kid who loves baby cereal like Harris.
Now that the rain has finally stopped, we've been spending our afternoons and weekends in the pool.
Silly Nick!
These are the only two picures of Harris this week. Harris loves his naps and would rather sleep than swim. He turned 21 months old this past weekend.
Some of our favorite people, the Lindsay's and the Moose's came over Saturday night. Here's Keith and Cara.
And crazy Nick and Zach on the float.
Hannah Grace was the calm one.
I've always thought when our family gets together we should expect the unexpected. Nick's been having a rough time at school lately. He told his friends to "smell his butt" last week. Oh yes, a proud moment in the Cadwallader house. The only thing that seems to work on Nick is my brother Dan's scary mask. We discovered Nick's fear of the mask about a year or two ago, and it is a miracle worker. That's how we finally potty trained him last year - we told him the scary mask would get him if he kept peeing in his pants. So on Father's Day, my brother brought the mask in hopes that Nick would get it together at school.
Attractive isn't it.
I can't believe I erased the video, but Dan scared Nick in the pool and my dad jumped in fully clothed to save him. Of course all the dogs (three Golden Retrievers) had to jump in too.
Then my brother decided to borrow Harris's floaties.