Monday, June 29, 2009

Our Canoeing Adventure

Nick was invited to his friend Maddie's fourth birthday party at the Hickory Art Museum . He enjoyed painting with Zach.

Making tissue paper fish

Check out my bug (he insisted on putting almost 30 beads in his bug to give it some sparkle)

My brother and his wife have a little cabin in West Jefferson. They invited us to come up on Saturday to take Nick on his first canoe ride. Nick was so excited that he got up at 4:30 a.m. to go (Chris and I were not excited that early).

That's his "you know what" eating grin that scares me.

Cara went to hang out with my parents since she was a bit small to go in the canoe.

She's almost 21 weeks old and gets more and more personality each day. Her newest thing is squealing with delight.
Chris and I got Nick his own paddle so he could help us on the river.
Harris was also too little to go.

"Hey mom, I've got a paddle, does this mean I can go too?"

Pouting and sucking his thumb when we left without him.

Uncle Dan gave Nick a ride down to the river to drop our canoes in.

Okay Uncle Dan, show us the way.
Uncle Dan, Aunt Andrea, and Big Dan - There is a picture of Dan and Andrea mooning the camera, but since this is a kid friendly blog, I didn't post it.
Hey, look at me! I'm canoeing!

Paddle, paddle, paddle...
Seriously, mom, do you have to get my picture? (I think he looks so handsome).
Whew, I'm tired after a long day, let me put on this pink robe to relax.

And the weekend wouldn't be complete without a little bump up. Harris scraped his chin in the church parking lot on Sunday morning and now has a boo boo which I have to kiss at least 10 times a day to make it better.

1 comment:

Jayme and Los said...

Cara is such a beautiful little girl!! You have such a sweet family.