Saturday, September 10, 2011

Double Birthday Bash

We celebrated Nick's 6th and Harrison's 4th birthdays this past weekend by the pool.  The weather was perfect!  My girlfriends and I were talking about how nice it is to have our children at an age where they can play and we can just sit, watch, and chat.  It's been a long, very long time coming.  Here are some of my favorite pictures!

Here's Carrie 21 weeks pregnant with Harper Annabeth the weekend before at our pre-party!
 You'd think the birthday boys would look happier.  Nick has the scowl perfected though.
 The princess is cheesing though!
 Anna Barrett
 Amanda caught herself a Harrison
 Yummy cupcakes - thanks Paul!
 Hannah Grace and AJ
 Cara and Mary Grace excused themselves for some girl time.
 Harris thought it was so funny to get Big Mama wet!
 So many kids in the hot tub.
 Cara had some snuggle time with her Uncle Paul.
 This is my FAVORITE picture of the boys.  They're both so excited to celebrate!
My niece Macyn LOVED the cupcakes.  She used her coin to scrape the icing off.
 Hannah Grace
 Big Dan
Chris just couldn't be nice to his sister, Jan, but I snapped a picture anyway.

Happy, happy birthday to my wonderful boys!!!!

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