Sunday, December 09, 2007

Santa / Christmas Program

The other day we were giving Harrison a bath in his "little" tub. Nick decided he wanted to bathe in it too. He's just a bit too big.

Harris is getting to be a lot of fun. He just smiles a "talks" whenever I say his name or start talking to him. He's almost Santa with his cheeks like roses and his round belly.

Getting Nick to take a picture is a miracle.

I can just picture Nick and Zach in another 18 years hanging out on the couch in college watching tv.
On Saturday, we went to the mall and had breakfast with Santa. It was more like breakfast by ourselves while Santa walked around. Nick seemed to have fun though.

Harris was his usual happy self. He even stayed awake for it.

Nick enjoyed the carousel more than seeing Santa.
Now the best part... If you remember from last year, Nick was completely freaked out by Santa and had a melt down on his lap. So, I had my picture taken with Santa too. (Nick had also cut his head open and had to be glued back together, hence the wound on his forehead.)

And this year's picture with Santa. Yep, there I am again. Nick isn't screaming, but there is no cheesing for the camera either. I thought he had overcome his fear of Santa. At least the Chick-Fil-A cow wasn't walking around. That might have sent him over the edge.

Harris Swinging

When I found out I was having another boy, I was a little sad that I wouldn't be able to buy cute girl clothes. But I'll admit, I'm having a great time dressing my two boys alike.

Sunday was the annual Abernethy Christmas program for all the daycare children. Harris was Frosty the Snowman (isn't he adorable?)

And Nick was a very unhappy reindeer.

He cheered up a bit when he had everyone's attention.

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