Saturday, August 09, 2008

Nick's Latest Accident

So it's been a while since we've had a major accident. Friday night though, Nick made up for lost time. Our friend Ashley had been in our house less than five minutes when she got to witness one of his finer moments. Nick was playing with ball inside the house and was told to stop. Being the ever-disobedient almost three year old, he kept playing. He bounced the ball, reached down to catch it, and smacked his face on the edge of the coffee table. There is screaming and then we notice the blood. Fortunately, no stitches were required, and he smiled for the camera.
Accident, Day #1
Accident, Day #2 - I really like the red and purple colors. Poor guy.

Nick did get this really cool dragon from Ashley which helped.
I think Chris might be a little too big though.
Our friends Jayme, Los, and Annie (with their dog Eula) came over for a swim on Saturday. Even Eula jumped in the pool.

It's hard to believe our babies will be a year old in 5 weeks.

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