Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Happy Birthday Carrie!!!

We started planning Carrie's birthday celebration over 2 months ago. Carrie, Lisa and I have all been looking forward to a CHILD FREE NIGHT!!! Yep, we all dropped our children elsewhere for the night, grabbed our husbands, and let loose! Here are some PG photos of our night out.

Carrie & Devin
The guys (what dorks!)

Even Chris smiled for the camera.

To start the night off, we headed to Vinnie's and tried some cheerwine shots. Not as tasty as it sounds.

Then we took our celebration to Joker's at Queens Landing. We had a blast singing (I guess you can call it singing) at the top of our lungs with the dueling pianos.

Chris, Lis, Me, Devin, Carrie, & Paul (we aren't sitting with our spouses, so don't get confused).

Carrie had a special Happy Birthday song sung to her.

What a face Devin!

The piano bar had a board where you could pay to write messages - and yes, Paul does have Bieber Fever!
Yes, Paul, you read that right. I'd be embarrassed too if I were you!

I however smelled chicken. I guess you have to know the inside joke to get this one.

It was sad times for the girls when the guys told us no more shots.

Carrie decided it would be fun to join some random guy up on a piano since it was his birthday too! I'm not sure he was too happy, but Carrie sure enjoyed it.
Happy, happy birthday my dear friend!!!! I hope you enjoyed your 27th birthday celebration as much as I did!

1 comment:

The Donley's said...

Aw, thanks love! I had a blast!!! Can't wait until it's your turn! (But watch out Lisa- YOU'RE NEXT!)