Sunday, September 02, 2007

Big Boy Bed / Week 37

Chris turned 30 this week! Nick helped him blow out the candles.

We've certainly had a time these past few days. Chris and I really wanted to wait until Nick was 3 to get him a big boy bed. With Harris arriving in a few weeks, we didn't want a big change for Nick. Apparently though, Nick was ready for a change. On Thursday, we put him to bed at normal time around 8:00pm. About 10 minutes later, we heard a thud, click, and patter. Nick had crawled out of his crib. He told us he wanted to read (he is my son). We decided just to put the mattress on the floor inside the crib - there was no way he could climb out with it that low. WRONG. Needless to say, Nick is ready for a big boy bed. We went and got his bed Friday afternoon and let him help set it up. Bedtime took two hours, but Chris finally got him down around 11pm. When we went in to get him the next morning, he was sitting in bed surrounded by books. We're hoping that bedtime will get easier, especially since we'll have a new little boy who wakes up during the night soon.

Here's Nick's mattress on the floor.

Who needs a bed when you have a balance beam?

Helping Daddy

This looks interesting.

New Big Boy Bed

Reading Millie Moo Before Bedtime

Finally Asleep

Still reading the next morning

We went to see Nick's new "cousin" Lauren on Saturday. He did really well with her. He patted her head and gave her a kiss. I hope he'll do as well when his little brother is here. Nick told me today that Baby Harris was kicking HIM in the tummy right then. It was so sweet.

Week 37 -
Wow, I never knew I could be so tired. This past week teaching has worn me out! I have a great class though, so no complaints there. I went to the doctor this past Monday. No more progress on labor - still 1 cm and 50% effaced. Blood pressure and weight gain good. Harris is still head down, but he's turned kinda sideways. I think it's because he's really long and just won't fit any other way. My feet and legs are beginning to swell pretty badly. My chiropractor is concerned, but we'll see what my OBGYN has to say. I go back on Wednesday. Harris is approximately 6 1/2 lbs now and about 20 inches long.

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