Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spring Concert / T-shirt Slogans

I didn't post on Mother's Day, but here are some pictures of my two little guys. It was a wonderful day. Both the boys napped which was my gift. It's been an amazing year adding Harrison to our family. I am so fortunate to have such two healthy, happy and wonderful children.
Nick was not in a picture taking mood.

Tuesday night was our annual spring concert at South Newton Elementary. It was so much fun. Harris and Nick enjoyed listening to the kids sing and play the drums.
After the concert Nick got to play on the drums too.
He and his buddy Jackson have some pretty good rhythm. I guess Chris and I will be getting that drum set for his birthday after all.
Maddie joined the party a little later. In the background is David LaMotte who wrote and sang the book S.S. Bathtub.
Everbody wanted to hold Harrison... Aunt Shelly

Aunt Beth
Once Nick was finished with the drums, the only thing left to do was roll down the hill. What a mess he is!

Harris is 34 weeks old and will 8 months old next week. He isn't officially crawling, but he can move all over the floor by just scooting and circling his body. I'm worried that once he figures out how to get all the movements together, he'll be GONE!
T-shirts are great. You can say a number of things without opening your mouth. Harris's says "Tugging on Grandma's Heart". Guess who bought that one for him?

And Nick's is a proven fact. He is a DIRT MAGNET!
(I bribed him with Skittles to get this picture)

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