Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cadwallader news...

So this will probably be my longest post ever. Harris is 40 weeks and 9 months old. He had his check up on Wednesday. He's 30 inches long and weighs 21 lbs 13.5 oz. Dr. Peltzer says he's developing normally. While we were at the doctor I mentioned Harrison's herniated belly button (just like Nick's use to be). The doctor agreed that it would need to be surgically corrected, so this Friday, Harris will be having his re-circumcision done and have his herniated belly button corrected. He's so little and already having a double surgery. At least we'll get them both over and done with at the same time.

9 months

In "Jail" at church

Nick is 34 months old now and the most amazing kid. When he isn't pitching his tramautic almost three fits, he's so much fun to be around. He's fearless and talks a mile a minute. We went to a pool party the other day and the first thing he does is jump off the BIG diving board without any encouragement. I know this personality trait will come to haunt me one day, but for now it's nice to see that he isn't scared to try anything new (unless it is a fruit).
34 months


Jumping off BIG diving board

Big Mama reading to the boys

More news...

Our family will be expanding to five soon. Chris and I are expecting our third child! I'm about 8 weeks pregnant and due February 2. We are very excited about the latest (and last) addition to our family. I'm also excited not to be tremendously pregnant during the summer this time around. I learned my lesson about 100 degree weather the last two times.

I had my 8 week appointment today. So far everything looks good. There is a small pocket of blood near my amniotic sac, so my doctor has scheduled another ultrasound at 12 weeks. She doesn't think that it's a big deal, but she still wants to check in another 4 weeks. There is only one baby, and the baby's heart rate is 175 bpm. I'm feeling pretty good. I've been really tired and plagued with some all day nausea, but other than that, no complaints.

You can't really tell too much from the ultrasound today because the baby is still so small, but I'll post pictures after my 12 week appointment.

Harris of course is too young to understand any of this, but we told Nick that Mommy has another baby in her tummy. At first he asked if it was Harrison and seemed a bit confused. But we explained that it was another baby. I told him in a few weeks he could come and hear the baby's heartbeat like he did with Harris. He's very excited about that. I think Nick is going to be a tremendous help this time around since he'll be 3 1/2 when this child arrives.

Please keep us in your thoughts over the upcoming months as we take one last journey into parenthood.

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