Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day

So it started out a like any typical Timmerman / Cadwallader event... madness and mayhem. Dad ran over a giant snake in the driveway, killed it, and my wonderful brother drapes it over my mailbox. Luckily, it fell to the ground before I could find it and have a heart attack.

The evening continued with DR and Nick getting into a water gun fight. I think the scales were a little unbalanced.

Both were loaded and ready to go

Harris just observed.

The chase was on

Even Chris got into it. A truce was declared a bit later.

That's when the real fun started. We found a giant frog in the yard which jumped into pool. DR attempted to toss it out only to knock the little thing out on our wall. DR then proceeds to chase my screaming and terrified son around the year with a half conscious frog. Poor Nick.

Later, I pushed my brother fully clothed in the pool. He in turn pushes his wife, Andrea, in, and both their Goldens jumped in. What a mess!

Here's Nick and Khaki jumping in.

Here are DR and Rocky jumping.
All's well that ends well. And so ends another adventure with my family.

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