Friday, September 05, 2008

Steps & Kicks

It's going to be a short blog this week. Chris and I are heading for Georgia for my friend Kim's wedding tomorrow (no kids).

Nick pushing Harris around in the big dump truck.
Harris's new learning house.

Last night brought two major milestones to our house. HARRIS TOOK 3 STEPS!!! Yesterday, he stood by himself for over a minute at school. Then last night he brought himself upright and let go. He tentatively took 3 steps before falling forward. We're so excited! We're hoping he'll keep adding steps so he can walk somewhat more independently when we go to the beach in another week and a half.

Chris also got to feel the baby kick last night. I've been feeling him/her for a couple weeks now, but the kicking has always stopped when Chris puts his hand on my stomach. Yesterday, baby decided to cooperate and Chris felt the kicking twice. I know it won't be the last since my children tend to practice aerobics in my stomach.

On another note, we find out our baby's gender next week at our anatomy ultrasound. If you haven't voted on our poll, you have a few days left.

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