Sunday, May 10, 2009

Chuck E. Cheese / Mother's Day / Swimming

Cara at 13 weeks
Harris has always been a HUGE thumb sucker. I think he started the day he was born. Nick loved his pacifier. Cara has been trying for a few weeks to get her thumb. Looks like she's finally gotten it.

Chris and I took Nick to Chuck E. Cheese on Friday to celebrate end of a pretty good week at school for him. He had a blast (we did too).

My what big eyes you have...

Because Cara is so tiny, she's gotten really good at standing up. We thought she might enjoy the view from her brothers' old exersaucer. She loves to stand up and see what's going on around her. She can even move some of the noise makers.

Harris chillin' in his ball cap.
This is the only picture of Harris since he's decided he doesn't want to pose for me. It just isn't worth the battle.

I would have never guessed that last year on Mother's Day how my life would change once more. Without realizing it at the time, our daughter's life would begin on Mother's Day 2008. That was the best gift my husband could ever give me.

Mommy and Carrington before church

Don't ask, this is his new "cheese".

Nick's been begging for us to open the pool for the summer. It's been too rainy though, but we finally gave in and opened the hot tub on Sunday. Miss Cara got to swim for the first time. Girl bathing suits are so stinking cute!

Cara's found her tongue which she is constantly sticking out. What a goober!

She loved being in the water. She just looked around at her brothers and cooed.

I love being a mom. It's a much harder job than teaching 45 fourth graders though.
Things I love about being a mom:
-endless hugs
-wet kisses
-being able to make a boo boo better with just a kiss
-celebrating the "firsts" in life - rolling over, sitting, standing, walking, talking, day of school, etc.
-seeing yourself in your children in their actions and mannerisms (the good and the bad)
-teaching and watching the result
-having an excuse to make cupcakes and eat ice cream
-not feeling guilty about buying cute clothes
-and having someone who loves you unconditionally
Thank you to my husband Chris and my beautiful children, Nicholas, Harrison, and Carrington for making this Mother's Day extra special!

1 comment:

Jayme and Los said...

She is so darn cute! We need to get our sweet kids together very soon.