Monday, January 10, 2011

The "other" gifts

I'm sure everyone has given gag gifts before.  Here's our exchange with the Donley's.  There are pictures of everything but my condom wreath from Devin.  Chris didn't take very good pictures.  Of course Nick found my wreath in the back of the car and wanted to know if he could play with my "balloons".  Umm, NO!!!  Then Nick wanted to know why my balloon had money and stuff in them.  Did I mention that each condom held a special surprise inside?  Oh yes. a screw, a washer, a bolt, some fake money.  It was a really wonderful "surprise" gift.  Thanks Devo!

Chris got a lovely whistle wrapped in crepe paper.
 What's that I hear???
 Handmade craftstick picture frame (picture included).
 What's this?
 A bright orange C.D. paper weight.  However did I live without this?
 A cup of crushed peanut shells
 A handmade scarf
 Wine Rack
 Ready for dinner
 I love you Toph!!!
Thanks for the wonderful gifts!  Can't wait to see what next year brings!

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