Thursday, April 14, 2011

April Already???

Tomorrow will bring us half-way through April!  Where has the time gone?  It's already been super busy and there are still 15 days left.  I've tried to take lots of pictures of the kids so this might be a long post.  Chris's grandmother's 90th birthday and our sweet niece Macyn's 1st birthday celebrations are on Saturday.  Lots of family are coming into town.   Did you know that Chris's grandmother and my grandmother Pearl graduated together in 1938 from Cherryville High?  Talk about a small world.  I wonder what my "Mom Pearl" would say about her great grandchildren if she were still alive.

Princess Cara (with the tiara to prove it)
 Nick just wanted to be silly.
 Can't leave out Harris.
 We had Easter pictures taken two weeks ago.  Here's little miss no pants all trashy before we left so she wouldn't mess up her dress.
 Yes, she has her name on her panties as she calls them.
 Ready for school!
 He's such a funny little boy.
Last weekend, Harris went home with Lisa and Lauren.  They had a blast playing outside.  (I stole these off Lisa's blog)
When I was about 3, Mom and Dad took me to Disney World and bought me this Alice in Wonderland dress.  Mom just passed it down for Cara to wear.  She looks so adorable.  I've got to get a picture of me wearing it to compare.
 Abernethy Daycare is celebrating Week of the Young Child April 11-15.  On Tuesday, the children came dressed as their favorite book character.  Harris of course chose Diego.  Cara wanted to go as a princess, but I wouldn't let her wear her tutu because it was too cold.  Cookie Monster came in as second choice.
 Imagine our delight when we arrived at school and saw that Chatham had on Elmo!  It was Sesame Street LIVE!
Today was picture day for all the kids.  I tried taking a picture before school since Nick wouldn't have the chance to have his taken with our youngest two.  I guess two good faces out of three is pretty good odds.
Don't know what the hand-raising was all about.
My handsome little prince...
and the beautiful princess is DONE!

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