Sunday, May 06, 2007

Discoveries/Accidents/Mother's Day Banquet & Week 20

Chris's grandfather passed away this past week, so my parents kept Nick for us so we could attend all the funeral and receiving events. While at their house, he and Big Dan went to check out Chris's jetski in the boat house. Nick was so proud of what he found. Big Mama was NOT so thrilled when he came to show it to her. These were taken from a cell phone, so they are kind of fuzzy. (KRISTI-Be warned if you're looking at these.)

Oh yes, that is a snake skin my son is holding. Imagine my surprise when those pictures came through my cell.

The next day, Amanda picked him up from school and apologized for his face. Apparently he'd had a little accident at school. Poor Nick!!!

Nick has figured out BUBBLES! Unfortunately, he's too little to actually blow them by himself so Chris or I have to help and we all end up sticky. Luckily, I found our Bubble Generator in the attic - one of the super cool gifts Nick received for his birthday last year. Now it is a non-messy awesome time for all!

First United Methodist had its annual Mother/Child banquet today. Doesn't Nick look handsome!

20 WEEKS - I've reached the half-way point in my pregnancy. Now it's a countdown - 20 more weeks to go. I've been feeling Harris move around for the past few weeks, and once in a while Chris would be able to feel a slight bump. This past Friday, I laid down for bed and Harris went wild. He was kicking and moving around. Not only did Chris get to feel him, he would SEE my stomach jumping each time he kicked me hard. I thought this child might not be as active as Nick, but I was very wrong. He is a little jumping bean just like his big brother!

1 comment:

Dr. Alfaro said...

Hey Suz...thanks for the warning! I don't know what I missed, but after seeing the first glimpse of shed skin I knew I didn't need to see more! Hooray for a bubble generator. Sound like an invention that should be up for a "Nobel" something.