Sunday, May 13, 2007

Visiting Moose Lodge / MY NEW PLAYROOM! / Mother's Day & Boat Rides / Week 21

I got to play with my friend Zach last week. Zach just got a BRAND NEW cool outdoor play gym that he's named Moose Lodge. Don't we look cute?

Mommy let me wear my hat to school the other day just for fun. She made me take a picture though because she liked that I was clean and calm.

The most exciting thing that happened this week was that I got a NEW PLAYROOM!!!! Mommy's cats went to live with her friend Shanna, so Mommy and Daddy turned that room into a room just for ME (and Harris when he arrives). I am so excited. It has new paint with each wall matching the chairs on my table, carpet, and all my toys. AND - Nana and PeePaw bought me a train table just for my Thomas trains.

BEFORE (notice the peach walls and green and purple plywood floor)






Check me playing with my new train. Woo Hoo!

Special thanks to Kristi for inspiring me to try out web video.
On Sunday, we went out to the lake for Nick's first boat ride of the year. He loves boats!

Week 21 - As I continue to grow, several people have asked if I'm having twins. The answer is definitely NO! I'm just getting a big stomach. I think people see me right after I eat.

1 comment:

Dr. Alfaro said...

Oops Suz...If you want anyone else to be able to see it, you have to make it public video. I found that out after I had posted teh first video and no one could see it! Sorry!