Saturday, November 08, 2008

NCCAT - November 3 - 7, 2008

Our blog is usually about the kids, but I was gone all week so no pictures were taken. I had the opportunity to spend 5 days in Cullowhee, NC at NCCAT (North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teachers) taking a book making class. Spending an entire week away from the craziness of everyday life with 25 amazing women, teachers, and mothers was wonderful. We talked about books and teaching and learned how to create books for both personal and classroom use. I showed Chris some of what I'd made over the week, and he says, "So my tax dollars were spent on you sitting around scrapbooking for a week. Did you actually learn anything?" Typical. I met two wonderful authors - Joyce Moyer Hoestetter who wrote a book called Blue based on the polio hospital in Hickory, NC in 1944 and Carole Boston Weatherford who has written many children's books including Moses and Freedom on the Menu about the 1960 Greensboro Sit Ins. Our book making instructor was Joyce Sievers, a woman beyond patient with all my questions. I thought I would be miserable leaving my boys for a week, but once I was away, I realized how nice it was to have some "me" time. I won't be having a lot of that come February. So for all my friends who are teachers - go to NCCAT for a week and be pampered and respected as a professional.

Absolutely gorgeous this time of year

My handmade book.  I can't wait for my students to create some in the classroom.
Three wonderful teachers I met while there.
When I got back, we celebrated the 9th anniversary of my 25th birthday. I think Nick was as excited about the cake as he was with Mommy being home.
I have my 28 week doctor's appointment on Monday. My diabetes test was negative. Now the concern is all the extra weight from having so much food last week. I'll post pictures and and update later.

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