Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Colors / Nakedness / Week 28 Update

Chris has been busy painting for the last two weeks. Nick moved to a new bedroom because his is becoming Cara's nursery. Nick loves that he's a big boy now. He keeps asking when he's getting pictures on the wall... his room is still a work in progress.
Here's Nick's old room when it was still a nursery.
Now it's PINK - I'm so excited to have girly stuff in my house. Her room is still a work in progress as well, but here's a sneak peak. I wasn't sure if I liked the color, and bless my wonderful husband; he offered to repaint it if I didn't like the finished result. Once we got her furniture in though, I'm really happy with it.
To celebrate all the newness of our house, Nick put on his swim goggles.
And the kids ran around naked. It will be so nice to have something other than weiners in my house (dogs and boys).

Harris even tried on my bra. My brother wore women's clothes too at a time, so I'm not too worried.

I had my 28 week check up this past Monday. All looks good with Cara. Heart rate is still in the low 150s. I'm measuring 28-28 1/2 cm (right on target). My iron count is still dropping. It went from 10.9 to 10.2. I was told I had to take some iron pills. I tried and I got sick just like I did with the boys, so I'll be adding meat and spinach to my diet. Nick's been playing with his Diego pretend stethoscope and listening to Cara's heartbeat, so I'm going to take him to my next appointment. He ought to get a kick out of that.
Here I am at 28 weeks. You can't tell if I'm getting really big or not because of the sweater. I can tell she's getting bigger because some of her kicking (which seems to be non-stop these days) is almost painful.

1 comment:

Jayme and Los said...

LOVE the pink and black! It's so exciting!