Thursday, February 05, 2009

Coming Home

We're home!
Chris and I left the hospital yesterday. We thought Cara might have some jaundice, but her tests turned out just fine. The boys did great with her last night, and Harris seemed much more accepting of his new sister. Nick is still all about "his baby". He wants to hold and touch her all the time. We'll hope this will continue when the newness wears off.
Here are Nick & Harris wearing their big brother shirts to school on Tuesday.

Just hanging out.

Look how sweet she is holding onto the blanket.

Meeting her Uncle Dan for the first time.

And her Aunt Andrea

Daddy's new love. He's already talking about buying her a doll house. No, she won't be spoiled at all.

Uncle Brandon and Zach visited. Zach is going to have a new baby sister in 7 weeks, so he'll need some practice.

Coming home from the hospital. I LOVE dressing her in all the cute girly stuff. I think that is one of my favorite things so far. Not that I didn't love the boys' clothes...

Nick loving on his sister.

Harris is not quite sure, but he wants to be a part of it.

Here Cara, have some Mr. Potato Head sunglasses.

We did have to have a talk with the boys about not swinging Cara at warp speed. They got a little over excited.

Cara did great her first night at home. She got up twice during the night to eat, but she went right back down. She's eating well so far. We go for our four day check up on Friday. Chris and I are going enjoy the next few days spending time with her and each other till he goes back to work on Monday.

We are so blessed with our wonderful family and all of our friends who called and visited us. We love you!


Mama Suz said...

What a beautiful little girl!! I'll be praying that you all have a very smooth adjustment. I can't wait to come to Hickory for a visit and see your new precious daughter.

love to all
Mama Suz

Jayme and Los said...

She is just so beautiful! What a sweet, sweet family. We'd love to babysit sometime! I need some new baby lovin'.