Sunday, February 08, 2009

Our First Week with Cara

Cara had her 4 day old check up on Friday. She had lost down to 7 lbs 7 oz when we left the hospital on Wednesday, but she'd gained up to 7 lbs 9 1/2 oz by her visit. The doctor said she looked perfect except for a mild case of jaundice. He told us to strip her down to her diaper and put her in direct sunlight.

She did not like getting naked.

But she did seem to enjoy sunbathing.

Getting her very first bath. Also, not a fan of this.

Nick is well Nick. My doctor told me to try to take baths the first week while I was at home to help with recovery. Chris drew me a nice, warm bath on Saturday night. But before I could get in, Chris discovered this...

Nick's pajamas in our bedroom leading to the bathroom.

And Nick in my bath just swimming around.

It wasn't enough for him to take my bath. When we dried him off he ran back to get in again.

This is our first family photo. The ones in the hospital didn't turn out so well, so we had one taken at church this morning.

Our beautiful children

She has such a rough life as you can tell.

Not to be outdone in the turkey department, Harris has started playing with his hair during meals. Of course his hands are sticky and nasty so it gets all gooed up in his hair.

But he's awfully proud of himself.
The proud grandparents

Cara is still on a great eating / sleeping schedule. She's eating 2-3 oz every 3-4 hours and will usually go longer at night. We're only getting up twice. We've survived our first week as a family of five and can't wait to see what our future holds.

1 comment:

Jayme and Los said...

What a great weekend for sunshine, Cara!