Monday, September 07, 2009

Cara's Firsts

We've had a lot of "firsts" these past few weeks with Cara. About two weeks ago, she first started crawling. Last week, she first put her knees under her to rock and crawl. Now, she's decided to give up baby food and wants my food. On Saturday night, she got her first tooth. Our baby is just growing up too fast for us. It's very bittersweet. On one hand I can't wait to watch her reach her next milestone, but on the other hand, it's my last child to reach that milestone. With that being said, it has been a lot easier and fun now that she's getting to be a big girl. Cara took her first trip to Tweetsie on Saturday with her Big Dan and Big Mama. She, and the boys, had a blast!
Bow on, check. Pink Chucks on, check.
Okay, I'm cute and ready to go.
Of course Nick had to ride the horse as soon as we got there.

And Harris too.
Even Big Mama took a ride.

Cara on her first, fake horse. (Check out my dad in the background trying to climb on.)

Once Big Dan got on, he wanted his little princess with him.

A bunch of jail birds

Cara's first, and hopefully last, time in jail. She really enjoyed the bars of the jail. She could hold on and stand by herself. I had to pry her off.

First time on a train. Choo, choo. She wasn't even scared.

Big Mama & Harris

Nick watching the cowboys and Indians. Big Dan even bought him his first cap gun so he and Harris could play at home. YIKES!

First time on a motorized car.

Second time on a carousel. She rode the one at the mall last month.

Oh no, Harris is driving.

Big Dan really impressed us with his adventurer skills that day. He was the one to volunteer to take Nick on the rides.

Ferris Wheel time! Cara rode with me for her first time, but I had the camera, so no pictures.

I love this one. Chris and Harris are pointing at me.

Big Mama & Cara - Mom told me she never thought she'd have a granddaughter. Aren't you glad you were wrong!
Harrison, what are you doing?

All these firsts wore out Miss Cara.

That's okay, because Nick was still ready to ride.

She's awake.

Ding, ding.

Cara was NOT happy about having to get back in her stroller.

Big Dan and Harris on the chair lift. Cara rode the chair lift for the first time too, but again, I was the one with the camera.
What an awesome trip the kids had with their grandparents! We're heading to the BEACH in 9 days for Cara's first vacation. Can't wait!

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