Wednesday, September 02, 2009

New Things / Birthday Party

Okay, I know I've been a slacker and haven't updated the blog. School started, so I've been a little busier than usual. We had several exciting things to celebrate this past week.
Chris celebrated his 32nd birthday on August 28! I didn't bake, but I did get him a cake. I feel kind of bad for him. It was the end of my first week back at work, and I was just so tired. I think I went to bed at 9:30. Poor Chris.

I got some super cute shoes this summer in S.C. Harris LOVES them. Whenever I wear them, he immediately demands that I take them off so HE can wear them. He does look cute in a pair of black patient wedges.

Cara trying some whip cream.

More exciting news. Cara learned to CRAWL!!! The girls at school told me she was trying to move that day. When we got home, she decided she was a big girl and started army crawling pulling her body across the floor with her arms. She's getting better and starting to use her knees now too. I had a video, but I can't get it to load properly. I'll try for next time.
Speaking of BIG GIRLS, Cara got a new big girl car seat this past weekend. Her little feet were hitting the back of the seat, and I never used it as a carrier anymore. I HAD to get PINK, what else.
She's also getting much better at using a sippy cup.
Cara & Mommy

BIRTHDAY TIME!!! Since Nick and Harris's birthdays are only a month apart, we started having a double birthday party for them. We celebrated this past Saturday with lots of friends.

Harris (almost 2)
Harris & Mommy
Nick turned 4 on August 18

Julie and Baby Cooper came to help us celebrate too

Jump Nick, jump!
Nick and his good friend Zach

Big Dan & Big Mama

It's not a party unless Cara has a cheese puff. She's getting to the point that she doesn't really like baby food. She would much rather have what I'm eating.

Harris with his sunglasses (of course)

Amanda & Hannah

The AMAZING birthday cake Paul Wade made for the boys. Check out the chocolate chip cookie field and tractors on pastures. He even made mini cupcakes with the boys' names spelled out on them. THANKS UNCLE PAUL AND AUNT LISA!!!

He even made Chris some birthday cupcakes.

Happy birthday to Harris & Nick!

Yes, I gave Cara her first cupcake. She LOVED it!

Can you tell?

After the party goers left, a few friends stayed to help us open presents - including an awesome light saber. Um, Julie, what are you doing with that?

Nick seems to have grown some big four-year old teeth! Yee Haw!

My sweet Cara girl

Mommy with all her babies - actually they aren't babies anymore :(

It's hard to believe that Chris and I have a 4 year old, an almost 2 year old, and a 7 month old. We are beyond lucky to have each other and great chidren. Now, we've started our countdown. 14 days till the BEACH!!!

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