Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Happy First Birthday Carrington Paige!!!

On February 2, 2009, we celebrated the birth of our daughter Carrington Paige at 2:56 p.m. weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 3/4 inches long. Check in here to read more. http://thecadwalladers.blogspot.com/2008/02/our-newest-addition.html
Today we are celebrating our daughter Cara's FIRST birthday. I can't believe we've had her in our lives for an entire year. All day today, I kept looking at my watch and thinking what I was doing a year ago.
I look back at this picture of me leaving for the hospital and think WOW - my shirt doesn't even cover my enormous stomach. I still miss the kicks from my precious little ones growing inside me.
She's here!!! Cara was so tiny and perfect.

My beautiful little girl one year ago.

Cara on February 1 - her last day as a "baby".

Unfortunately this became a common face for Cara yesterday and today. I'm not sure if she was tired or just sick of Mommy taking her picture.

Happy Birthday to you my sweet girl!

See, more crying. A HUGE thanks to my best friend Amanda for letting us borrow the birthday shirt and crown!

Poor baby!

She had had ENOUGH and laid down on her blanket to suck her thumb.

Finally, I got a small smile. No crown, but who cares.

This is my favorite picture. It totally fits her - serious look on her face and Chuck Taylor's on her feet.

The pictures continued when Cara got to daycare. Here she is with her boyfriend Chatham.
Thanks for taking our picture Carrie!

To celebrate Cara's birthday, we went out to dinner with both sets of her grandparents.
Pepaw and Nana

Opening presents

Cara and her new taking doll. She loves it.

I guess she was afraid that we would take her food.

Mmmm, birthday cake!

Cara absolutely LOVES birthday cake.

She cried when we attempted to take the cake away.

Big brother Nick

Big brother Harris

The party really got started when Cara got on the table. Woo Hoo!

Cara and her Big Dan. It amazes me how much he loves this little girl. Maybe she reminds him of another little girl from 30+ years ago.
All of Cara's grandparents - Dan & Paula / Pepaw & Nana
I am amazed each and every day at the love I feel for my daughter. I don't know if it's because she's my last baby or if it's just a mother/daughter bond. She has brought so much joy into our lives this past year. I've watched her brothers so proud and protective of her and I've watched as all those around her are drawn to her sweetness. She's wrapped both her grandfathers around her little finger and her grandmothers continue to spoil her rotten. Chris and I are so blessed that God chose us to be Cara's parents. I love you my precious baby girl and can't wait to see what the next year holds.

1 comment:

Dr. Alfaro said...

What comes to mind immediately is, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!" I cannot believe it has been a year...and I cannot believe she gets more adorable every week!