Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010!

It's been entirely too long since I posted on the blog.  I'm not sure what happened.  We've done TONS of things like celebrating Halloween and going to Tweetsie one last time.  I guess I just never got all the pictures posted.  Hopefully, I'll do better thorough the holidays so you can see what my sweet children are doing.  Plus, Cara has too many cute Christmas outfits not to share.

Okay, this isn't really Thanksgiving, but isn't Cara cute as a bug in her Lady Bug outfit!
 Double Yum!
 Nick asleep under his bed.
 Pre-shot - We were getting ready to go have Christmas pictures taken.
 Cara in her turkey dress.
Harris wearing his turkey shirt. 
Harrison was super excited to have lunch with Mommy at school.
Harris & Chatham had matching shirts!
  Carrie with her "little turkey".
Harris chillin' on the couch watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade.
Cara in her "Little Turkey" shirt
It looked good on HARRIS two years ago on Thanksgiving.  Hasn't he changed?!
Cheese Mama!
 What Thanksgiving would be complete without TURKEY BOWS!
Harris enjoyed chatting with Mamaw.
Mamaw and Nana Jane with all the cousins.
We even got a smile from Nick.
Cara... not really in the mood for more pictures.
Every Thanksgiving I try to get a picture of our family, and I think back to Thanksgiving 2004.  Little did we know that I was pregant with Nick and our family was beginning to grow.

As the holidays approach, I realize how very lucky I am to have my friends and family.  We are so blessed!

1 comment:

The Words Crafter said...

These are really beautiful photos and you have a wonderful family. Your children are lots of fun and I look forward to getting to know Harris and Cara better.

Have a great weekend!