Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's SUMMER - Pool & Lake Fun

You know it's the beginning of summer when it's finally warm enough to open the pool and head out to the lake.
Harris checking out the hot tub before the big pool was opened.
 Cara thought she liked it...
 and then she got in.
 We celebrated Memorial Day weekend by heading out to the lake for some boating, jet skiing, tubing, and fishing!
 Cara fishing for the first time - nothing was caught though.
 Nick enjoyed some tubing.
My little Memorial Day cutie pie!
 We continued our celebration with our annual pool opening party with the Donley's and Wade's (minus Paul).
 Too Cool
 Chatham jumped of the diving board for the first time.
 We also celebrated Carrie's birthday!
 Chatham LOVED his Mommy's birthday cake!
 All quiet on the Caddy front - everyone's mouth was full.

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