Sunday, January 18, 2009

Potty Play / Week 37

So this does not make me a good mom. Chris's family came over on Friday night to celebrate his mom's birthday. Fun times and cake were had by all. As the boys were playing, Harris disappeared into the other room. We soon heard splashing. There was Harris up to his elbows playing in the toilet. Now a good mom would have immediately stopped him and cleaned him up. I had to take pictures and a video first because one day I can use this episode to embarrass him. Here is Harris's potty play.
Just one hand

Okay, now both hands

Here's the update from this past week...
Obviously since I'm writing the blog and there are no baby pictures, I'm still pregnant. Many were convinced I would have her this week. NOPE! Hopefully our first of many mother/daughter chats went well, and she's going to hang on for another two weeks. I realize most people think I'm a little crazy for NOT wanting her to come early. My friends know I have this weird date thing though - Chris and I were married on 3/13, Nick was born on 8/18, Harris was born on 9/19. Since obviously I won't be making it to 2/12, we're aiming for 2/2. With all that being said, as long as she's healthy it doesn't really matter, but it would make me happy.

For those that didn't check the blog last week, here was our appointment news. I went for my 37 week checkup this past Monday, January 12. My blood pressure is still normal. My iron count is back up to 11.3. My doctor says I'm at a very loose 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced. My cervix is extremely soft. She says she wouldn't be surprised if I didn't make it to my doctor's appointment next Monday, and it will be a miracle if I make it to Feb. 2.

We looked back at my pregnancy pictures with Nick and Harris at the same time. Chris says I look about the same as I did with Harris but am bigger than I was with Nick. Okay, that's a little scary. I was ENORMOUS with Nick. Here's a comparision for all three pregnanies. Let me know what you're thinking... My doctor wouldn't even venture a guess on weight this past week because she said I hid my babies too well. Chris is still guessing 8-9 pounds. I go back to the doctor on January 20 for my 38 week checkup.

37 weeks with Cara (I'll be 38 on January 19)

38 weeks with Harris

38 weeks with NIck (look how tan I am!)

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