Monday, August 03, 2009

Bathroom Remodel / Awesome Visit / Cara is 6 Months Old!

I hate the color yellow. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I can't wear it. I painted the children's bathroom four years ago before Nick was born so he could have a more kid-friendly bathroom. I hated the yellow then but wasn't going to repaint. I finally decided to do something about it. I found this awesome shower curtain but couldn't decide what color to paint on top. Thanks to my friend Lisa who said, "Suz, what about lime green?" So I found the brightest green I could, and we had ourselves a renovation project. I have to admit when we were painting, I was scared. Green does not look good with yellow beneath. Finally after three coats, it was done. I think it looks fun and so much better than the yellow. Chris says it glows. Anyway, Nick loves it so that's the most important thing.

BEFORE - Ugly Yellow

And AFTER - Lime Green!

On Saturday, a few of my favorite sorority sisters and their children came to the house for a pool party. We've all been friends for almost 15 years now. WOW!!! It's hard to imagine back at WCU when all we thought about was boys and parties that we'd be here discussing careers and kids.
Nick, Cody & Harris

All the kids - Darah, Nick, Zach, Harris, Cody, & Cara (Alyssa's in the background)

Holly & Cody

Amy & Darah

Alyssa & Cara

Darah & Cara

My main man Stevie. Harris thought he was going to pick my tomatoes.
Go Zach!

Darah jumped off her first diving board at our house. She was so brave and excited.

Alyssa & Zach

Cara, Nick & Harris swinging

Holly & Cody

Darah & Nick

All the girls and their children - Holly with Cody, Amy with Darah, Shana with Alyssa & Zach, and me with Cara & Harris. Nick's off by himself beside Zach because he was too cool to sit with me.

I think back to the first time Chris told me he wanted a daughter. It was over three years ago, and Nick was only 10 months old. We had gone to Wilmington for a friend's wedding. Chris saw this little girl about two years old in a polka dot dress with a big sash. She was skipping down the stairs with her sister. He looked at me and said, "I want one of those." Chris finally got his wish.
Six months ago on February 2, 2009, our lives were blessed once again. Carrington Paige was born at 2:56 pm. She was so sweet and tiny. I remember being worried that I couldn't possibly love a child as much as I loved my boys. Was I wrong! This little girl has brought such joy to our lives over the past months. She continues to amaze us every day.

Baby Cara

Look how tiny!

Coming home from the hospital

6 months old!

Her serious face
Nick holding his sister for the first time
I think he's gotten the hang of it.

Nick continues to surprise me with his love for his baby sister. He is the first one to rush to her if she's upset. "Don't worry Cara, big brother is here."
Miss Cara standing like a big girl
Riding the carousel at the mall

Cheesing in her pool cover up

Riding with big brother Harris

Rub a Dub Dub - Three Cadwallader's in the tub!
May we continue to be so blessed!

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