Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tweetsie... one last time for 2010

We LOVE going to Tweetsie (can you tell?).  This time though Devin tagged along for his FIRST TIME EVER!  I know, really?  It started out as a great trip, but it could have ended in disaster.  Cara was riding the airplanes and copters with Harris and Chatham.  She was on the end.  As the ride continued, she got smushed closer and closer to the edge.  The next thing I see is her falling out and hitting the ground.  As a mom, I was in shock.  What did I do?  I remember saying some choice words, and Carrie running to her since she was closer.  Bless the sweet guy working the ride, he had it shut down within a second of her hitting the pavement.  Luckily, another mom whose kids were riding was a Nurse Practioner and checked Cara out before the medics arrived.  God was certainly watching us that day because Cara didn't have a single scratch on her.  It scared the shit out of her (and me too), but she was all bundled up because it was cold and I guess it protected her from any harm.  I have to say that the people at Tweetsie did an outstanding job of making sure my daughter was okay and thoroughly checking every inch of her out.  We did manage to enjoy the rest of our day, but I don't think my children will be riding that particular ride any time in the near future.

My sweet girl.  See how bundled she is!
 All Aboard!
 Devo the DORK!
 How cute are they?!
 Good thing that wagon isn't going anywhere.
 Even the moms got to ride the horsie.
 Looking back at the pictures, I can see why she fell out.
 Someone was excited to ride on the Mouse Train.

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